So, as many of you probably already know, yesterday was my birthday and all in all it was a good day—a little stressful at work—but good none the less. Got to celebrate with Carrie and the dogs, have a little cake with Mom and Dad, and take in a Shocker game (hence the cake decoration). It was no front row at a U2 concert (, but I'll get over it.
I do have to say that I'm beginning to feel the pressure though—the pressure that comes from feeling that time is getting away from me and it's time to kick things up a notch. Partially, I think this comes from the fact that both Carrie and I seem to have been seduced by the movie "Into the Wild." If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend checking it out and then downloading (or if you're old-school go to the store and pick up) the soundtrack Eddie Vedder put together. Both are amazing and incredibly inspiring. In short, it's a true story about a guy who, after college graduation, donated his life savings to charity and hitchhiked across the country on his way to living in solitude in the Alaskan wilderness (think "On the Road" but with a purpose). Now, this doesn't mean that Carrie and I are ready to go live in a bus and start cooking up squirrel, in fact, I don't really know what it means, but it's just empowering to see someone so tied to their convictions and willing to roll the dice and take a chance.
I read the book "Into the Wild" and had mixed emotions. While it was inspiring on the one hand, it was also a series of incredibly daft actions by an immature and egotistical boy. I haven't seen the movie, and have the feeling that it portrayed him in a much different light than the book. The book is by the writer who originally wrote the story for Outside magazine, and it felt like he attempted not to make McCandles into more than what he was.
I didn't read the book, but I saw the movie. I, too, had mixed feelings about the young man. True, he gave everything away to live his dream...but, then, his dream was to separate himself from humanity. And it didn't end so well for him. Plus, didn't he flip burgers to help finance his dream?
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