For the past two weeks, I've been painting around the clock. The problem is, I've been painting the same room … over and over again … and it's the smallest room in the house. I lost count on the number of coats I have applied, but I would guess it's somewhere around seven. The nice thing about this is that we now have a "safe room" given that the room in question now has walls approximately three and a half feet thick.
The cause of this exercise in inefficiency is unknown, however we did try to use a new low VOC paint and one could argue that the VOCs are the thing that actually makes paint, well … paint. Even after all of the coats, the room still is not perfect, but we learned in one of our classes that babies can only actually see something that's about 18 inches away from their faces so we'll just keep him in the center of the room for a while.
I guess that means you can skip your arm workout...well, on one arm anyway. Care to share any clues on the color?
It's not the charcoal grey and blood red it was.
What?...No comment about me stealing your joke?
Hi Guys! I'm so happy to find your blog. Congratulations to the two of you! You will make great parents!
Yay! You finished! And more than a month early! Way to go.
Are we really going to have to wait for the unveiling? We are getting impatient.
The name and the room has us guessing.
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