Thursday, January 10, 2013

The most public of all meltdowns

To the 10,000+ Shocker fans at Wednesday's men's basketball game at Koch Arena, we apologize for the three-year-old's meltdown with just five exciting minutes to go in the game. Normally, Park can handle sitting in (or standing on) his seat during the action-packed games for two hours, but due to bad parental judgement, we took the kid out too late before he had fully recovered from all the sleep he lost while sick with the stomach bug earlier this week. It was a bad call - even worse than some the refs were making. The poor guy was overtired and we should've known better. Instead, everyone sitting in section 119 witnessed the event and our dramatic exit down all 27 rows from our seats. It wasn't pretty. Or quiet. (especially during those free throws)

As our apology, we're offering this video of Park and his little friend Noah, who sits next to him, during a past (and more pleasant) game. The two boys like to stand up and dance in their seats. Their efforts even landed them on the jumbotron recently, before they knew what the jumbotron was. Now they bust  a move every chance they get in hopes of getting on the big screen.

Enjoy, and sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every kid has a meltdown, unforunately it is the parents who are totally mortified, while people around are thinking "Thank God it is not mine THIS TIME". This is a phase that every child goes through at one time or another, do not let others tell you otherwise. They live in LA LA LAND!