Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The most anticipated (musical) arrival of the year.

It's finally here, the release of U2's new album "No Line on the Horizon." As you probably already know, I've been waiting for this day to come for a quite a while, in fact, I've actually waited a little longer than I really had to. Last week several Web sites posted the album for preview (including U2.com) and while I snuck a quick listen to a couple of songs I showed great will power in the name of tradition. You see whenever I new U2 album comes out I have a bit of a ritual I go through which generally starts with the stalking of a UPS driver and ends with me feverishly trying to open a CD package in a deserted Best Buy parking lot.

It's a beautiful day, so how could it get any better? I read this morning that another album is scheduled to be released this year.

Let the countdown begin.


OK, I now have it in my possession and I can honestly say it's really good. I was worried, the hype was getting a negative backlash and some people had even begun questioning if U2 is still relevant. However, this album should squash any talk of that. It's extremely innovative and has some great tunes. It was probably unfortunate that they released "Get on Your Boots" as the first single, it doesn't stand up great outside of the context of the album and it's not in my top three or four songs on the album.

Coldyplay is going to have to update their impersonation act.

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