Two-thirds of the Lindeman boys decided to clean up their act the last couple of days and beat the heat with cool new haircuts. Luka was first in the barber chair and while you can't really tell from this picture he got himself sheared like an unruly sheep. We're thinking he's got to be a lot more comfortable and he looks 10 degrees cooler, 15 pounds lighter and three years younger. Park decided not to go quite as short, but he looks almost as cute. Next up are the girls, Carrie's going in for a trim Saturday and Zoe's got an appointment with the hose for a nice cool bath. As for me, there's not a lot to trim, but I'll probably take a swipe at it anyway.
I've heard of Christmas in July, but apparently Santa comes a month earlier to Kansas. We went out to lunch on Saturday (always an adventure with a two-year-old) and the three of us were enjoying a peaceful moment where Park was actually sitting quietly and eating. All of a sudden, Park pointed to the older man at the table next us and said something I didn't catch at first. I turned to look at the man -- sporting white hair, a white beard and a belly. Just as I turned to look at Craig, it sank in what Park had said, "Ho! Ho! Ho!"
Bill Cosby was right. Kids say the darndest things.
A couple of weeks ago we decided to cap off our Memorial Day staycation in Kansas City by taking the dogs for a swim at the local dog park. We'd been there several times before, but it had been a few years which, in hindsight, probably explained why Zoe was geeked up beyond control. That said, between the thick mud around the banks of the pond and her never-say-quit mentality, she ended up a bit gimpy. By the end of the day she was hopping around on three legs and I had resulted to carrying her up and down the stairs. The vet took a look at her the next day and determined that she had most likely twisted her knee and recommended some anti-inflamatories and pain meds as a first round of treatment before we subjected her to X-rays. All of that was fine and dandy until he told us that she was going to have to lay low (meaning no walks or playtime) for a couple of months. A COUPLE OF MONTHS! If you know anything about Zoe you know that playing is her life, even at nine she won't stop until you make her, so to say it's been a little difficult has been an understatement. Denying her a game of fetch or watching her face as I leave the house with Luka on a walk has been brutal. However it's something we have to do if we want it to heal properly and avoid surgery somewhere down the line—assuming it's not already that serious. So please send her your positive vibes (or lavish treat bouquets) for a speedy recovery.
Just a quick update on how it's been going since we pulled the plug on Friday and took the pacifier/binky/yia yia away for good. Honestly, we're both relieved at how well it's gone.
I tried to explain to Park that he was a big boy and it was time to give the yia yias away to a baby that really needed them. I wasn't sure if he understood, but every once in a while he'll say "yia yia ... baby" with this sweet tone that shows he likes babies and he's doing them a BIG favor. (Mom needs to live up to that story and donate some new pacifiers to the local women's shelter before the guilt gets any worse.)
Surprisingly, Park isn't asking for the pacifiers at bedtime, but the first couple nights he would get this terrified look on his face and cry some massive sad tears when putting him to bed. He seemed genuinely scared. And he had us second-guessing ourselves and questioning why we were taking the one thing away (besides mom) that can soothe him. But we held firm and it has gotten better. The naps aren't the rockstar naps like he's been doing, but I'm hoping those get back to normal, too.
Next up: preventing tantrums and putting an end to whining and/or screaming in public
The smell of funnel cakes, nachos, fried mozzarella, fried pickles and fried tacos lingers in the air. People from all walks of life come out to gather in one place. And parents torment their offspring by making them run in 100 degrees for a photo op. Oh yes, it's River Fest time.
The River Run falls on the first day of the week-long event and it's something Craig and I have enjoyed in the past. This year, we decided to save our energy (and the entry fee) and let Park show off his mad running skills in the Tot Trot. Like novice parents, we waited to register just 30 minutes prior to the event so that Park could get hot and tired before the big race. Honestly, I think it let him size up the competition and 20-yard course.
Here's Park taking a moment to focus and mentally prepare for what's coming after a pre-run drink of luke warm water.
So if you haven't experienced this mayhem before, it works like this: They start with the two-year-olds (that's Park) and have them line up 20 yards from the finish line with a parent/running coach. In my brief experience, this included pushy parents urging their kid to get the very best spot in front. (Might as well start getting used to this.)
Fine by us. There were way too many kids to attempt this insanity at one time, so we went in the third heat with the serious runners. Seriously, click on the photo and check out the girl to the right of Park in pink shorts listening to jock jams on her matching pink headphones on her (matching pink?) iPod. Cute but crazy!
By the time they got to us, Park was overwhelmed by the heat and crowds and could care less about the oversized t-shirt and shiny medal. While this looks like a sweet good luck hug, it was actually him wanting to be picked up and carried.
No, I did not carry him to the finish line. But we did take a leisurely stroll together and found Craig waiting for us with a medal that he refused to wear. (I can't blame him, it was the 2-mile/10k medal they gave the adults.)
The photos really don't do the event justice. Here's not-so-great video from my perspective.
Crazy parents looking for a good photo op. Next time we'll save the money and just take the dogs for a walk around the block ... and come down to River Fest for a funnel cake.
Pacifier. Binky. Yia Yia (as Park calls it). Whatever it is, it's officially gone in our house. (Ok, there is actually a stash hidden just in case nobody gets any sleep this weekend, but as of now, no more pacifier for Park. Nada. Never. Not gonna happen.)
Why is it we force these lifesavers on our newborns but then yank them away once they're attached to them?
Park has only been using his for nap time and bedtime, but the last few nights he's been waking up at all hours and crying for someone to come in and hand him his pacifier ... that's sitting right by him. He's become great at throwing them out of his bed just to get our attention. And. We're. Tired. Of. It.
So, I thought this process would be more fun on the weekend when Craig would be home to really experience it. I'd hate to deprive him of a tired, cranky and pacifier-deprived kid around nap time. (You're welcome, sweetie!) I conveniently had a lunch meeting today so Craig got to put the little guy down for the first time without his mouth piece. Supposedly, Craig tried to reason with the boy and explain that a crib full of stuffed animals was SO much better than a pacifier. It worked ... for about 10 minutes. He's been crying for 20. But it just got quiet.
Here's hoping for some quiet nights this weekend and a pacifier-free house come Monday. What yia yia?