Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crib Notes: Month 6

Park turns seven months next week so it seems like a good time to finally get the six-month post up! As we blogged earlier, the sixth month was a big one for the little guy. While it was filled with firsts, it also still included lots of squeals (at high octaves and volume), using his hands more and more, and thinking about rolling over and then deciding to just stay where he is.

Here's the first visit to the pumpkin patch. Park was more excited about sitting in grass for the first time than he was the pumpkin.

Solid foods were a big hit. He got bored with the rice cereal and was happy to move on to veggies, though.

For the first time, Team Grandpa got to take care of Park and everyone survived just fine. Too bad no one got a nap, though.

Then there was the Phoenix trip: first time in a new time zone, first time to stay at a hotel, first time to swim and first time to travel in a minivan. Park was a fantastic traveler and we have no excuses not to travel with him in the future.

To see more pictures from the sixth month, visit Craig's online photo gallery. Password is "Peas" with a capital "P."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my sweet grandson! We really enjoyed having you all here this past week and so glad you could be here for Maisy's birth!