Monday, December 7, 2009

Crib Notes: Month 7

Just as Thanksgiving came and went, so did Park's seventh month.
And just like all the months of his life so far, the seventh month continued to give us so much to be thankful for ...

- Two lower front teeth that popped through the gums and explained the need for a little extra cuddle time
- That little extra cuddle time that we won't always have
- Two little hands that love to touch everything they get close to: cell phone, jewelry, piano keys, computer keyboard, books, Luka, Zoe, turkey ...
- Thinking dad is the coolest despite his crazy songs, funny dance moves and silly bath time rituals
- The strength and the desire (finally!) to flip over from back to stomach -- especially when he should be napping
- A new little cousin to complain about mom and dad to when he gets older
- The amazing calming power of headphones and how they can make a Shocker basketball game more enjoyable with a seven month old
- Sitting up with just a little assistance
- Sleeping 12 hours at night (with one or two brief interruptions to eat) and becoming a better napper
- Family and friends that love Park as much as we do

To see more from Park's seventh month, visit Craig's online gallery (Password: "Frisco")


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the numerous times Park has pulled out Gma Barbies earrings.

Parks singing "Whose in the kitchen with Dinah" (and other goofy songs) with Gma Barbie, Anyway, I would like to think, he is singing along and not voiceing a reveiew of my singing.

Hagen, he will later tell her, you were so lucky.

Seven months equals pure heaven.

Gma Barbie

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gma Barbie...not about the singing as he has to deal with my off-key singing, too...but with "seven months equals pure heaven". Didn't know it was possible to love a grandbaby so much:)