Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Little Yogi

It all started back when I was sporting elastic pants for every occasion and losing my breath climbing our flight of seven stairs. I was pregnant. And I needed to find some kind of exercise that didn't wear me out after 10 minutes or require shoes with laces. My option? Mommies in Waiting yoga. They had one class a week at a yoga studio down the street and I enjoyed every minute of the hour-and-a-half session on Monday nights. It was part therapy (imagine a room of pregnant women with so much to share) and part preparation for labor (breathing, stretching and great positions to try and remember for the big day). It was also a fun bonding time for me and the little one before he was here -- if you've ever taken yoga you know it's one great excuse for tuning out the world and just focusing on yourself for that hour or so. Totally indulgent and deserved.

After Park was here and I no longer had my connection with the mommies to be, I sought out opportunities for Park and I to have a fun activity together but also to meet new moms and little ones. It wasn't until last month that I finally came across something I was really excited about: Mommy and Me yoga. It's a new class started by a new mom who has been teaching yoga for several years. It didn't take more than 24 hours for us to get signed up.

Now, with two classes behind us, Park and I are experiencing a whole new kind of bonding with each other and with other new moms and babies. This time, instead of sharing stories about how big our feet are getting or what color we're decorating the nursery, we compare who got the most sleep the night before and ideas for homemade baby food. And while I thought Park would enjoy some time with little ones his age, all he cares about is flirting with the instructor.

Side note: That is not Park in the picture above. The little stinker has mastered sitting and rolling, but putting weight on his legs? Not even close.


Anonymous said...

Right now Park is much too busy pointing,waveing,observing and of course,flirting.

Noting the people sitting near him at the WSU basketball games, they seem forget about the game when he is there.

Once he discovers moving, watch out!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Once he figures out what his legs and feet are will be "bye bye"..