Sunday, February 14, 2010

My funny Valentines

Last night was a big one for the Lindeman males in the house. Park attended his first homecoming - bonfire, dancing and college girls! And just an hour or so after this photo was taken, Craig got his first hug from a hip hop legend. (hint: he's too legit to quit) Yep, M.C. Hammer was a special guest at WSU's first homecoming in 20 years.

And here's father and son enjoying a little pre-bathtime belly buzz. This was taken a couple months ago ... back when we laid the kid next to the knives as we prepared him for his bath in the kitchen sink. No worries. We've since moved bathtime to mom and dad's tub where he sits next to the razor blades.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

Aunt Erin LOVES that!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gma Barbie loves it also.

Anonymous said...

Mimi loves it,too! How fun is that to watch!?

Anonymous said...

Watching it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.

Gma Barbie

Anonymous said...

Watching it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.

Gma Barbie