Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Carrie's 5K Cheering Section

To follow up on yesterday's post, Carrie had a great run, finished in one of her best times—I think it was due to her biggest fan.


Anonymous said...

What more could a mom want?

The cutest litle guy cheering you on.

How could you not do well?

Wish we were available to you that day.

Proud always.


Shawn Money said...

I should comment on Carrie’s great time in the 5K or her adorable fan base, but I won’t.

No, I’m selfish.

All I want to say is that I really dig Park’s cool kicks and that I desperately want a pair!

Are they available in a 10.5, per chance?

Oh, and regular width.


Jenna said...

Love the photos! Park's little jacket is so cute and Carrie has a pretty big grin after a hard run!

Anonymous said...

With a pep squad like Park and Craig, how couldyou not do well!