Monday, June 20, 2011

Santa sighting

I've heard of Christmas in July, but apparently Santa comes a month earlier to Kansas. We went out to lunch on Saturday (always an adventure with a two-year-old) and the three of us were enjoying a peaceful moment where Park was actually sitting quietly and eating. All of a sudden, Park pointed to the older man at the table next us and said something I didn't catch at first. I turned to look at the man -- sporting white hair, a white beard and a belly. Just as I turned to look at Craig, it sank in what Park had said, "Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Bill Cosby was right. Kids say the darndest things.


Anonymous said...

Just wait it gets better, I mean worse. They repeat things at school.

Curt said...

That is so strange. Hagen saw a man with white hair and a beard while we were driving this weekend, and she said "Santa."

He is really getting around during his off-time.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I think, we are thinking Christmas. What fun we will have.


Anonymous said...

So cute!!