Pacifier. Binky. Yia Yia (as Park calls it). Whatever it is, it's officially gone in our house. (Ok, there is actually a stash hidden just in case nobody gets any sleep this weekend, but as of now, no more pacifier for Park. Nada. Never. Not gonna happen.)
Why is it we force these lifesavers on our newborns but then yank them away once they're attached to them?
Park has only been using his for nap time and bedtime, but the last few nights he's been waking up at all hours and crying for someone to come in and hand him his pacifier ... that's sitting right by him. He's become great at throwing them out of his bed just to get our attention. And. We're. Tired. Of. It.
So, I thought this process would be more fun on the weekend when Craig would be home to really experience it. I'd hate to deprive him of a tired, cranky and pacifier-deprived kid around nap time. (You're welcome, sweetie!) I conveniently had a lunch meeting today so Craig got to put the little guy down for the first time without his mouth piece. Supposedly, Craig tried to reason with the boy and explain that a crib full of stuffed animals was SO much better than a pacifier. It worked ... for about 10 minutes. He's been crying for 20. But it just got quiet.
Here's hoping for some quiet nights this weekend and a pacifier-free house come Monday. What yia yia?
May strength be with you! I bet it will be a picnic at your house in just a few short days!
There better be alcohol at that picnic.
at least you have something to take away...can't take away Maisy's fingers :(
Be Strong-Have Patience.
Have EAR PLUGS! I know a certain grandpa that might have some industrial ones.
Didn't he do a great job of giving it up, though! What a trooper.
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