It's been another long month without any blog posts. We're so bad! But we've been so busy working, enjoying a vacation, chasing a toddler, preparing for a garage sale, talking ourselves out of the garage sale and trying out Zumba. Yes, Zumba.

For those of you who know me, I'm sure you're having a good laugh right now. I tried a class at the Y about a month ago but left after 10 minutes when I realized the teacher was a sub and was more white than me. Wanting to be fair to the Zumba craze, I tried out another class earlier this week and realized I found a winner before it ever started. It was in the gym instead of a studio to accommodate for the huge group of women representing every age and fitness level. And they just kept coming into the gym, giving each other high fives and wearing their Zumba-branded pants. I was so out of place.
I only have two Zumba experiences, but I can say that this teacher was amazing. She danced on a stage and never called out the steps. But every woman in that room seemed to know her next move and they were shaking their bodies like nobody's business. Yes, even at the YMCA. Utterly embarrassed and completely confused, I just about left again ... until I saw someone I knew back from high school. Mortified I actually knew someone, but also a little relieved, I sought her out and she told me it gets easier. I just have to keep going. So, here I go. Back for another lesson tomorrow. It's with the same teacher but this time it's in a smaller studio. I can't decide if being in a gym where EVERYONE could see me is worse than being confined in a small studio surrounded by mirrors so I have to watch myself.
And I thought I was the only that veiwed myself this way.
You are way too young and in too good of shape to be embarrassed. Just keep shaking what yo' mama gave you! What a great way to get a workout and a dance fix at the same time.
(Yo' mama)
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