Thursday, January 17, 2013

No, really, I got you a birthday present.

Today is January 17,  or 19 days since Carrie's birthday, if you're counting. Way back on December 30 I gave Carrie a very practical gift, one that was probably more for me than her—a Blue Ant S4 hands-free car speaker phone. I got it for her because I was sick of yelling at her for calling me on her cell phone while she was driving. While I did eventually get her to use the speaker phone function on her iPhone, I later discovered that she was still holding the phone up to her face (I'll just attribute the absurdity of that solution to "pregnancy brain").

Anyway, knowing that a hands-free speaker phone probably wasn't the most personal of gifts, I decided to get her something else to go along with it, so I placed an order with an extremely large retailer and later got an email confirming that my purchase had shipped on December 27. Given such a late shipping date, I knew there was a chance it wouldn't arrive by her actual birthday, but I figured an extra day or two would just mean she would just get to celebrate a little longer. Well a few more days passed and frankly, with everything going on around our house, I kind of forgot about it. Adding more confusion to the matter was the fact that I was having the package shipped to my parents house so that Carrie wouldn't get it and open it before I could wrap it up. So I checked with my parents last week and sure enough it hadn't been delivered and started checking around. That's when my problems started. After some research I discovered I didn't have my order confirmation email and my delivery confirmation was completely in html gibberish. So I went online to try to get some help. The process would have been extremely easy—if I would have had my order confirmation number—which I didn't. So I searched and searched and searched for a phone number to no avail. Eventually I did find a way to ask them to contact me, which I did, but they didn't.

So now what? The point of this whole blog post, that's what.

I did a little Google search and came across, a website that gives you a phone number and the codes necessary to get you to an actual, living, breathing human being to answer your questions. You don't have to screw around, you go directly to the correct line and the wait time is virtually nothing. In my case it was under three minutes. The result was that my problem was solved five minutes later by an extremely friendly Pakistani who wanted nothing more than to make me happy. Supposedly the package is now supposed to show up at my door in under three days. In fact, just as I was typing this I got a new shipping confirmation, so we'll see. But by this date, maybe I'll just save it and avoid needing to get a Valentine's Day gift … or a birthday gift next year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...