Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Party in KC.

Craig, Luka, Zoe and I were in Kansas City this past weekend for a couple of big celebrations. First, I was up there helping the KC office of Sullivan Higdon & Sink throw a party to celebrate its 10th anniversary. It's a tough job, but someone has to be responsible for making sure there's plenty of alcohol, food and games for colleagues, clients and vendors. After that party, we moved on to the second celebration of the weekend -- the kick-off to November birthdays. Mom has a b-day (do I dare reveal what age?) on Nov. 5 and Craig creeps a little more into his 30s on the 13th. The six of us (mom, dad, erin, scott, craig and I) had dinner at Cafe Trios in the midtown area and then went to the plaza for a movie. While the food was yummy, the restaurant's Halloween decorations were inspiring. They sure put the three, lonely pumpkins on our front porch to shame.



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