Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Say uncle … and aunt

OK, so we've been holding on to this little "nugget" of information for a couple of weeks as to not let the cat out of the bag (no offense Cheryl), but soon, planet earth is going to be graced by a new little Lindeman as Curt and Cheryl are "with child." They let us know right before we left on the cruise because they figured we'd all know something was up when Cheryl began skipping her 10 a.m. cocktail. (Personally, I think Cheryl just wanted to get word out so she wouldn't have to carry her own bags.)

At the time of the cruise we estimated the lil' Lindy to be roughly the size of a sesame seed (or approximately one-quarter "Curt size") but the latest report has it coming in somewhere around a grape.

Carrie and I are extremely excited to become a first-time aunt/uncle and can't wait to teach it everything its parents don't want it to know.

By the way, this is the real reason why Curt beat me in the half marathon. I just couldn't humiliate him with his fetus watching on. I'll let the kid have a good five or six years before his/her delusions of its father's athletic prowess are destroyed.



Anonymous said...

Lessons not necessarily desired by parents but provided by uncles...

1) The infamous "explodes when pulled" extended index finger. Hopefully, you can beat Grandpa to this classic lesson.

2) Blowing on the belly until the same results occur as the pulled extended index finger (...or worse).

3) If single (sorry, Craig), the ability of young family members to aid in improving the status with those of the opposite gender.

4) Photos taken now provide bargaining power later (for example, Bert & Ernie slippers).

5) "No, really...Daddy likes it when you punch him right there!"

6) The best gifts make noise and take batteries.

7) The contracting of little ones in the timely art of sneaking up and scaring Grandma as she is putting food on the table can remove a side dish from the menu.

I'll work on more as I'm sure you'll go through th above quickly.


Craig, Carrie, Luka and Zoe Lindeman said...

#8 the unfortunate side effects of home perms.