Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Big news. Little thing.

We picked up a little something at the Joshua Radin concert last weekend that we'd like to share.

Yes, that's a onesie. And no, it's not a gift for someone else.

That's right, we're thrilled to finally announce that we're expecting a little Lindeman. The due date is May 1, which means we're going on just about 13 weeks of keeping the secret and making preparations. And we're slowly adjusting to the idea of becoming a party of five (hopefully this kid won't be as hairy as our other two).

While we really enjoyed the concert on Saturday, it was extra special because it was the first time the kid was exposed to live music. Joshua Radin coined his own genre as "whisper rock" -- and we anticipate his CDs making perfect lullabye music for many late nights to come. But as mellow as the concert was, you wouldn't know it by the heartbeat we heard Monday morning. We were told the average rate is 150-160 at this stage. Little Lindy came in at 164 -- we can only imagine he or she must have been dancing to one of the U2 songs dad and mom have been playing at high volumes whenever possible.

Just like this onesie is the first thing we've bought for the kid so far, this is also the first of many blog posts to come about our new adventures in parenthood. We hope you'll enjoy the ride with us.

Craig and Carrie


Project Denneler said...

Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee (breathe)
Yahoooooooooooooooooooooooo (gasp)
Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (cough, wheeze)
(insert jumping for joy here)

The Dennelers are VERY excited. If you couldn't tell.

Yea for babies, I say!

Unknown said...

Hip hip hurray! Congratulations Carrie and Craig! The family Sesma is thrilled and delighted with your news. So glad to hear that little Lindy is on the way and has made it this far healthy and safe. Carrie, I hope the little tyke is treating you well. With luck, you've survived the sickness stage and moved on to the sparkly glowing stage. Much love to you both, Heather

The AZ Zs said...

WOO HOO! That is the best news all week! Many congratulations and well wishes for all three of you! The fun is just beginning....

Congrats from the Arizona Z's!

Anonymous said...

What GREAT news!!! Words can't even begin to describe how happy we all are for you, or how much we feel that you both will be nothing but fantastic parents. I want to go on and on, but I"m sure you get the idea that Uncle Ed is very excited! I just leaned over the loft and told Leann to go check out your blog...not mentioning why. I'm expecting to hear a scream of joy any minute!

One Proud Uncle...Ed

Anonymous said...

Way to be guys...We're very happy for you and can't wait to call John "Grandpa" (hahahahahahahah)

Sandy,Dorothy and Bob

Unknown said...

HOORAY!!! We are so psyched for you!!! Keep the live music coming -- babies LOVE that!

Anonymous said...

Hagen can't wait and neither can we! This is so exciting and worthy of multiple exclamation points in one post! Fire up that RV...we'll be ready to open 'er up once the little arrives.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Guys!!

We are so happy for you!!

Guess you two have beat Tava and Shane in two ways now! Maybe someday, huh?

We know both your parents are very excited.

Love you all,
Your Favorite Aunt?? Sandy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We know you will be awesome parents. The kid even has a nickname already. Little Lindy is off to a good start.