Thursday, November 13, 2008

5 years as a second-timer

The agency where I work has certain traditions for celebrating 5, 10 and 15-year anniversaries for employees. I first worked at SHS right out of college for two years. After I left for a few years and came back as a member of the second-timers club, I realized that hitting the five-year mark would take me longer than usual since I was starting over at 0. But five years (and 8 or so months) has flown and the agency surprised me with the five-year celebration on Tuesday.

The recognition of this milestone can come in many forms -- mine happened to come as one large shock of wheat with a crazy smirk and bad hair style. They called in WU to deliver the goods. I wonder how they got his number ...

"The goods" included a box filled with gummi worms (I haven't weighed the box but estimates are around 8 lbs.) and the traditional SHS personalized C-clamp with a few crisp bills attached. (If you're not a frequent visitor of Home Depot, check out the practical uses of a C-clamp here.)

My personalized flair included everything from a picture of the dogs to running shoes and a WSU basketball net to a plastic baby.

Side A Flair:

Side B Flair:

Here's to five+ years of having a great job and working with really good people.

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