Monday, January 12, 2009

Running with the big dogs.

I recently decided I needed to stop being such a wuss, man up and face the cold Kansas winter head on. So for the second or third week in a row (I can't remember which, my brain is still frozen), I slapped on every piece of moisture-wicking clothing I could find and took to the streets for my long, Sunday-morning run. And as insane as it sounds, I've really enjoyed it. There's something completely gratifying about being the only idiot out on the road and a special, internal pride about the level of dedication it takes to run in a homemade ski mask and gloves. This week, I even mixed up my route and hit a couple of city parks and unfamiliar neighborhoods which offered a welcomed distraction from my numb extremities. So, relatively speaking, I was feeling pretty good as I re-entered our neighborhood and headed for home, however it was at this point that I was reminded that breaking away from the monotony of the treadmill also meant opening yourself up to little "surprises."

That said, I was probably two blocks from home when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a front door swing open and a chocolate-brown blur named Tank heading my way. Surprise! Now most people probably would have a) frozen in their tracks b) instinctively opened it up a notch or b) pooped themselves. Me? I turned and greeted all 85 pounds of the glistening-gummed, appropriately named Tank. You see, while something as benign as a ferris wheel can scare the bejesus out of me, dogs just don't. Plus, I'd met Tank before, we had a rapport. However, as he barreled down upon me, it seemed clear that he had forgotten (either that or he didn't recognize me from my two-and-a-half inches of exposed skin). So, with his owner frantically trailing behind, Tank was quickly at my feet, snarling, barking and all around doing a bang-up impersonation of Cujo—to which I calmly lowered my glove-covered hand to let him get a whiff of what he was about to eat. And that, as anti-climatic as it was, was it. We were buddies again, which may or may not have been a good thing, because moments later he jumped up on my chest and basically de-pants me as he slide down my body. Luckily, I was wearing layers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you'll be prepared if you decide to run down here this weekend...prepared for the weather, that is supposed to be 38 degrees on Sunday. Hopefully, Katie won't take out her newly-found aggression on you or your glove.