Saturday, January 5, 2008

Running in circles.

Tomorrow's forecast calls for highs in the 50s and I couldn't be happier. With one week left in my training for the half marathon, I am in desperate need of a change of scenery. Low temperatures, ice, snow—they've all kept me trapped inside, relegated to the hum of the treadmill in our basement and the sterile white walls that surround the YMCA track. Needless to say, it has gotten pretty old. Last Sunday alone, I ran 110 laps around the track at the Y (see photo documentation above). Seriously … 110 laps. And when one runs 110 laps around a boring oval track, they look for things to keep their mind occupied, things like "I wonder what's in the cleaning lady's breakfast burrito?" "Man, that dude in the tights sure smells good." and "What's with the lady in the reading glasses?" But without the ipod it would all be impossible. I'm not sure how we did it when we were training for the marathon—sure, Carrie and I had each other to talk to, but who are we kidding, neither one of us are really that interesting to listen to and, I'm sure if Carrie had her choice, she would have chosen "Fergalicious" over anything I had to say.

All in all, the training hasn't been bad. In fact, after training for a whole marathon, I feel a little silly even talking about it. The thought has even crossed my mind of trying to get another 26.2 under my belt this yet year, but that's probably just the endorphins talking.


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