Monday, November 22, 2010

7 years, 2 dogs, 1 kid and countless laughs later ...

Craig and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary yesterday. Seven years seems like nothing when we dated for 9 years before our short 3-month engagement, but still, it's seven years. And every one of them counts! I can't speak for Craig, but the highlights from our romantic celebration for me include installing a few storm windows together that needed replaced, not having to take Craig to the hospital after sitting on a ladder for the installation process, watching Park take several steps all on his own and driving around looking at Christmas lights - it's the first year Park can see them since his car seat is facing forward and he's very aware of lights. There's nothing like a little one saying "ooh" to some poorly hung icicle lights with Christmas music playing on the radio.

Thanks for an exciting seven years, Craig! I look forward to many, many more.



Anonymous said...

Congratualtions! May the honeymoon continue for many more.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

You happiness and peace shows through your eyes everyday.

AND yes seeing things through a childs eyes is like nothing else.

Pure bliss.


Jenna said...

I'm glad you guys had a nice anniversary. Here's to many, many more!