Monday, March 24, 2008

If I can call you Betty …

So this morning I came into work and had an e-mail from my buddy Al who was wanting to see if I could help him round up a few more members to his campaign aimed at stopping climate change. This was a bit strange, because just last night I was venting to Carrie about how I couldn't understand why some people are so resistant to accept global warming as a real, or at least possibly real, phenomenon. Is it political? Is it the inability to separate the message from the messenger? Is it an attempt to bury their head in the sand and hope that if they don't acknowledge it it will just go away? Or is it as my buddy Al put it, just "inconvenient?" My guess is that it's a little bit of all four. I just hope before long everyone can get past these issues and consider the possibilities and what they might mean to the life of someone they love.

Until then, go out and buy yourself some shorts.

And if you're interested, visit

Have a different view? Let me hear it … just be gentle with me.

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